Quick - name a brand of frozen pizza. Crap - the title of this post probably already gave the answer away. But I bet you would have said DiGiorno anyway. Don't ask me how I know. I just know.
DiGiorno owes much of its success to its famous slogan: "It's not Delivery ... It's DiGiorno." Have you actually tried DiGiorno? Unless you've lost your tastebuds in a tragic hotpocket accident, I'm fairly certain you can tell it's not even close to delivery. But for some reason, they still manage to get away with lying in their slogan. Okay - I guess they're not technically lying. They're actually right - it really isn't delivery. And for all I know, DiGiorno could be Italian for shit. So technically, it's a logically accurate slogan. And technically, it also says absolutely nothing.
My life would be so much easier if I could apply the same meaningless logic to successfully advertise myself. I'd head down to Florida for spring training, and tell the hottest FSU sorority girl I could find: "I'm not a professional ballplayer .... I'm an Asian Mathalete" - and she'd immediately eat my pepperoni. And by pepperoni, I mean a tasty pepperoni casserole I'll cook for her when she comes to my place for dinner and pleasant conversation. Because I'd really like to get to know her first.