After months of encouragement from my friends, and after being true to this blog's title by sitting on my ass for a few months more - i've finally decided to start
The Lazy Asian.
So what exactly is
The Lazy Asian about? Well, first off - it's not autobiographical - at least that's my official position. Potential employers might stumble upon this little piece of cyberspace, and for the record, I'm a very hardworking Asian. Second, it has nothing to do with Asians at all (at least, not directly). I'll re-visit this point a little later.
The Lazy Asian is quite simply, a celebration of success through minimal effort.
Let me elaborate.
America is the land of opportunity. The American Dream, as it's traditionally known, implies that if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything. But there's another version of the American Dream that's often overlooked - the one where you sit on your ass, get lucky and still become successful. This is success through minimal effort - and its harder to achieve than you think: Anyone can work hard if they try. Not everyone can sit on their ass and still come out on top.
It is the mission of
The Lazy Asian to highlight both topical and random examples of this phenomenon. And as you will soon discover, examples aren't just limited to individuals. Low effort-to-success ratios can be achieved by companies, animals, philosophies - even inanimate objects. Some examples will be obvious. Some will be shocking. Most you won't give a crap about.
Why the title The Lazy Asian?Of all the negative racial stereotypes that exist, Asians are fortunate enough to lay claim to a positive one: they're hard working. Hence the term "Lazy Asian" is somewhat of a cultural contradiction - and it is this contradiction that allows us (i'm Asian, so I can say this) to be lazy from time to time while still being relatively successful in society. "Lazy Asian" perfectly and succinctly exemplifies success through minimal effort and thus titles this blog.
Have you found other Lazy Asians?The Lazy Asian is always looking for more examples of success through minimal effort. Examples are everywhere if you look hard enough. If you find something, please
send it my way and I'll share it with everyone. I'll even give you full credit. That's a Lazy Asian promise.