Friday, January 13, 2006

Mr. Blackwell's Worst Dressed List

Like he does each year, Mr. Blackwell has just released his lastest "Worst Dressed List" with Britney Spears leading the pack. Apparently, he's been doing this for 46 years - and for the 46th time, he's once again declared himself Supreme Grand-Master of the Obvious. Despite this, he somehow scams his way to annual fame.

Now I must admit, I'm not at all familar with the backstory on how Mr. Blackwell became the ultimate authority on worst-dressed-ness, but I'm positive it's complete crap. Here's the simple logic one could follow in order to come up with his "famous" list:

A) Group together all the female celebrities Billy Bush has talked about on Access Hollywood over the past year.
B) Take the top 9 most talked about
C) Actresses deemed most newsworthy by Access Hollywood dress like whores
D) Whores are the worst dressed people
E) Add: Anna Nicole Smith
F) Congratulations - you're done.


At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

brilliant deduction

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time someone called out Mr. Douchewell. He truly masters the obvious.


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