If you've ever seen the vacation photos of young Asian girls, you've probably noticed that in 90% of them, they love to flash the
Peace Sign. But as much as I support peace, it's the most lazy and retarded gesture to make when you're taking a picture.
Come on Asian girls (and effeminate Asian guys) - are you seriously so uncreative that you can't think of anything else to do? Is the concept of just standing there and smiling like a normal person foreign to you? Have years of constantly worshiping Hello Kitty destroyed your common sense making you believe that flashing the peace sign actually makes you look cute?
And the peace sign epidemic is spreading beyond awkward Asian girls. Even Victoria Secret models are now falling victim - as evidenced by this picture of Alessandra Ambrosio. It's sad when a woman who only needs to stand still to make me excited finds it necessary to make such a superfluous gesture. Because it really ruins the mood when I'm trying to make superfluous gestures to her picture.