Valentine's Day
Happy Valentines Day! For the first time in the 2 year history of The Lazy Asian, The Lazy Asian has somehow finagled himself a Valentine! Of course, I still think that Valentine's Day is an evil holiday created by the corporate geniuses at Victoria's Secret, The Vermont Teddy Bear Company, and effing Pajama-Gram - but having someone else to share this bullshit holiday with makes the bullshit a little sweeter.
Does this mean that I won't be writing about boobies anymore? Relax! My boobie posts will be bigger and more bountiful than ever!
If you're feeling lonely today - and you're especially lazy - you too can find yourself a Valentine! Just Google the words "Russian" and "mail order" and you'll be set for life. Or at least until she gets citizenship and steals all your money.
Thanks for thinking of me as your Valentine. That's sweet.
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