Monday, January 14, 2008

Napping for a Good Cause

Happy New Year!!! I'm a couple of weeks late - but being on time isn't really what you'd expect from me anyway. To start the year off right - I wanted to find something all you fellow lazy readers can use to your benefit - perhaps incorporate into your new year's resolutions. And I think I found something perfect: Naps can actually improve your memory!!

That's right - a researcher at University of Haifa in Israel recently published a study showing that a 90-minute daytime snooze may help lock in fleeting-long term memories. Normally, I require more sources of evidence before I believe something - after all, I'm someone with strict scientific principles. However, I'm willing to embrace this immediately because it reinforces my lifestyle. Plus, it finally explains why ever since I got promoted and moved into that corner office, I've had constant flashbacks of being an inadequate toddler.


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