Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil sucks.
A lot.
He's probably one of the most annoying people on TV - and now he's spreading his suckage to the internet teaming up with match.com to give dating advice. Dr. Phil has developed a three-step system called "MindFindBind" to help singles seek and maintain relationships. First of all, that just sounds retarded. Second - look at him. The only relationship this guy is an expert on is his intimate relationship with donuts.
Which begs the question - why is this guy even famous? From what I understand, he used to be a regular on Oprah. Is he even a real doctor? I don't think anyone has actually checked his credentials. Are we just supposed to trust Oprah that he's legit? Because that really worked out with James Frey.
Okay - I'll give him some credit. I did some research and found out that he actually did go to college and earned a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology -- from freaking North Texas State University. Not to be an academic snob - but Texas State is bad enough - imagine how awesome North Texas State must be. Well I'll tell you how awesome. It's home to such notable alumni as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "Meatloaf".
You know a college must be legit if its most famous alumni are best known by their nicknames. And if they all really like donuts.
He spent all that money on education just to come up with phrases like "you can't put butter on a 'possum".
Gee. Thanks Doc. I'm cured.
He's the finest example of how masculinity got castrated. He's one of these new-age, 'in touch with your feelings', spend-the-day-at-Ikea, type of guys. Who needs that?
Ahem! The doctor is in. This may be the only time you'll hear me say this, but since it appears to be germane: having spent far too many years in a doctoral program in Clinical Psychology, myself, I can tell you that the university in question is not even accredited by the APA- the gorverning body of the psychological institution.
How do you like THEM possums...?
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